Application & Product: Modular chassis for digital TV Headend application
– Coding product, video decoding and telecommunication MPEG, IP, ATM
– For telecommunication operators and TV broadcast network
– Products working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Technologies and Home made
- Dense numerical cards : 4 '672-pins' BGAs
- Modular chassis integrated with Power suply of 220Vac or 48Vdc, Ventilated by the bottom of the basket
- Firmware and embedded software loading
- Functionnal test on bench
- Full industrial file management : 2 kinds of mechanical 19'' frames , 10 active references of cards, multi-releases management.
Aode electronics advantages
+ Dedicated Audio-video-Telecommunications Functionnal test benches to configure and validate each assembled product
+ Takaya & Jtag board Testing
+ 48 000 BGA assembled on this product range per year